Fruits of the Spirit: Chastity
Generally this is the least popular Fruit of the Spirit, but in reality it is the most beautiful. This is where we live most fully the...

Fruits of the Spirit: Self-Control
These last ones are hard, aren't they? Modesty, self-control? How are we supposed to have any fun? We forget that these fruits are not...

Fruits of the Spirit: Modesty
We hate this word, don't we? When we think of modesty, most of us picture ugly clothes, dreary hair, and no exposed skin. Or we assume it...

Fruits of the Spirit: Gentleness
There are times that a firm "No," or even "Absolutely not," are needed. There are times when a strong push is the only thing that will...

Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness
"And God saw that it was good." Seven times it was good. The sun, the seas, the plants, the animals, humankind, everything. All of it was...

Fruits of the Spirit: Kindness
Our world needs kindness now more than ever. I could fill this page with examples of words, actions, movies, blog posts, and emails that...

Fruits of the Spirit: Patience
Don't you hate waiting? If that website isn't up in under five seconds, we're checking our connection. Starbucks takes forever to get our...

Fruits of the Spirit: Peace
News was coming from all sides, and none of it was good. My mother - breast cancer. Father-in-law - inoperable intestinal cancer....

Fruits of the Spirit: Joy
This past weekend, our church had over 130 teens receive their Confirmation. I was amazed to see the atmosphere as we prepared to enter...

We start today with the Fruit of the Spirit that anchors all the others. When we live with charity, or complete life-giving love, we live...