Fruits of the Spirit: Joy

This past weekend, our church had over 130 teens receive their Confirmation. I was amazed to see the atmosphere as we prepared to enter the church. It was like Christmas. Everyone was excited, congratulating and hugging each other, admiring beautiful dresses and smart-looking suits, and eagerly anticipating what was coming. I'm sure there were a few who were there because they had to be, but the joy from where I was standing was incredible.
Today, we look at joy. This fruit of the Spirit is not just happiness. It goes so much deeper.
It is a happiness that comes from knowing that God is in all things. ALL things. God is in the beautiful sunset that we see. He is in the song that makes our hearts sing. He is in the storm that rearranges the land we live in. He is in the sorrow of a loss we aren't sure that we can bear.
This fruit of the Spirit doesn't mean that we are never sad or that we never get angry. It does mean that in the middle of it, we are confident that God has not abandoned us. It means that we look confidently for grace when no one else thinks there is any to be found.
It also means that our happiness is rooted in something much greater than the world around us. We have eyes to see the wonder of creation with the view of the Creator. We experience angels among us.
Today in our challenge, we will let go of our stress, and cling to the joy of the Lord.
List 10 positive things in your life and do not allow yourself to limit them with a “but.” Look at them throughout the day and add to the list as you find more.