How do we go on?

In these two weeks, I will be highlighting some of my favorite reflections from the Stations of the Cross. Click here to receive the full download of my Stations of the Cross reflections as found in my book 'Walking Through Holy Week'.
Psalm 37:23-24
The valiant one whose steps are guided by the LORD,
who will delight in his way,
May stumble, but he will never fall,
for the LORD holds his hand.
When Jesus falls this third time, He is probably within sight of the hill where He is to die. As Jesus continues to stumble with His cross, He knows what He has to do, and He is willing to do it, but He is weak and just can’t go one more step. Then He looks up at the people He loves, looks at the reason He is on this path, and stands up again. It's unfathomable. He is given enough strength to finish the journey and lay down His life for us.
If Jesus can struggle with His cross, it is okay that we do, too. We stop, we are in pain, and we want to quit. Then we are given strength we didn’t know we had, and we continue on. We will fall, and sometimes we will feel that it is all we do as we fall a second, third, and even fourth time. It is okay. Jesus is right there with us, giving us the strength to get back up and continue on.
What helps you find strength as you carry a cross of your own? How do you find Jesus in those times?
Want more? Order Walking Through Holy Week to get the whole story.
Whether you are a cradle Catholic seeking to deepen your faith, or a new convert wanting to grow in your understanding of Jesus, Walking Through Holy Week will help you uncover the treasures hidden in the days of Holy Week. This six-lesson book can be used for individual reflection or for group study. Order your copy now on Amazon or Zieglers, or pick up a copy at BookPeople in Austin.

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