Ideas for a Meaningful Quarantine Holy Week and Easter
Palm Sunday – preview day (Palm branches as Jesus enters Jerusalem, the Passion proclaimed, Jesus is crucified, dies, and is buried):
Put some green branches on your door.
Wear red, like the priests do, to remember the blood that is shed for you today.
Make crosses with whatever you have – long grass stems, twisty-ties, pipe cleaners
Read Karen’s book Walking Through Holy Week!
Holy Thursday – The Last Supper and the Agony in the Garden
Make bread (go big and make unleavened bread!)
Drink some wine
Create a home version of a Passover/Seder supper (the Last Supper was a Passover meal)
Wash your feet and/or the feet of the people in your home
Commit to a way that you can serve others after Easter
Go outside to pray
Take your laptop with the Mass livestream outside/on balcony for adoration time
Good Friday (Jesus’ death and burial)
Watch the second day of the Lenten Mission and reflect on Katie’s Stations of the Cross with her
Set up Stations around your house or yard and walk through them (could be a piece of paper with a number, a picture, or something super creative – send me pics!!)
Walk around your neighborhood or in the woods as you pray the Stations of the Cross
Build a cross or use one you already own. Sit with it in prayer for a while.
Holy Saturday (waiting, and the light of Christ breaks through the darkness – He is Risen! New members enter the Church through Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation)
Turn off all the lights and light candles in your home
If you can find them, shoot off confetti poppers or some kind of fireworks/sparklers to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection
Make a cake or special dessert
Ring bells, make music, blare joyful music
Take a dip in the Holy Hot Tub or swimming pool or just a nice, warm bath
Take a bite of your chocolate Easter bunny after the final blessing
Easter Sunday (The Resurrection)
Easter egg hunt in the back yard or the house
Make resurrection cookies (start these on Saturday)
Park in the church parking lot and honk your horn when the bells are rung in the Mass (as you watch on livestream)
Pick flowers or buy flowers for your home
Put out silk flowers
Clean your windows – let the light shine in without anything blocking it
Unless there is a Good Friday in your life, there can be no Easter Sunday – Blessed Fulton Sheen