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True faith?

What mask do you wear? Karen May, Amayzing Graces

This is the month of costumes and disguises. No matter our age, it is fun to pretend for a little while that we are something or someone else.

October can also be a time to look behind the masks we wear on a regular basis. We’ll start today with the masks we wear in our faith.

We all have an idea of what a life of faith should look like, and hopefully, we try to live a life that reflects the faith we have or hope to have. And let’s face it, sometimes we don’t have as much faith as we would like. Maybe even a lot of times.

But we keep showing up, we keep acting as if our faith is strong.

Or we don’t.

Maybe we show up, we do what we think is expected because it is expected.

There’s a big difference between the two. In both situations, we put on a mask, but in the first one, the mask helps us to remember the faith we long for and helps us rediscover it again.

In the second one, our faith becomes stale and neglected. The mask is the point, not the pointer.

If your faith isn’t where you want it to be, that’s just fine. It never will be, this side of heaven. Just check your mask. Make sure it’s one that draws you into the faith you desire. It’s the one that is open to the grace that will get you there.

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