
Don't you love when you get a haircut and people are trying to figure out what is different about you? Is it your glasses? A new shirt? Something's different, but they just can't put a finger on it.
We can miss some of the most obvious and visible changes in each other, but today we will see how Elizabeth and John can see well beyond the visible.
When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, "Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb."
–Luke 1:40-41
At this point, Mary has just found out that she is pregnant. She hurries to her cousin, having heard that Elizabeth is pregnant, too. Before Mary can say anything more than a greeting, John the Baptist, still in the womb, leaps in recognition, and instantly Elizabeth knows.
Jesus is hidden, undetectable, and unannounced, yet He is recognized.
So often, we want large, bold signs and messages to help us in our faith, but most of the time, we receive small indications or a subtle signs. Sometimes we need someone to bring Jesus to us, and our hearts leap as we recognize Him in the words of the messenger.
It is so easy to get stuck waiting for a bold sign and miss these small, quiet moments that make our faith so intimate and personal. Mary came in person to Elizabeth. John knew Jesus from the intimacy of the womb.
This Advent, invite Jesus to come to you. Ask Mary to bring her Son, and help you recognize Him. He comes in the smallest of ways, but can make the biggest difference.